Tai Chi Chuan

Tai Chi Chuan is an internal Chinese martial art often practiced for health reasons.-wikipedia

As we get nearer to The New Year I tend to pause for a moment and think about all those lofty goals I had at the beginning of the year. These goals often involve such things as getting back in shape, which might mean popping that Tai Chi DVD in and having a good try at pushing around an invisible ball. It might mean dusting off the old bike and seeing if I still look ridiculous wearing those skin tight cycling clothes-if I can find my skin tight cycling clothes.

It’s easier, and less embarrassing, to try and take up Tai Chi again. Like all martial arts, Tai Chi looks easy but gives you a pretty good workout. I had an old VHS tape with David Carradine of Kung Fu fame explaining the ins and outs of Tai Chi. It was a good tape and I felt like I learned a good deal watching it. But like the Jane Fonda workout videos it does look a bit out of date.

Maybe Oprah should give Tai Chi a try. Oprah has recently put on some weight again and seems to be a bit worried about it. Well, if your the richest woman on earth, or close enough to it, why can’t you eat whatever you want to eat?

Tai Chi Chuan is one of those things that people like to do in public. It’s a Hollywood cliche to see an old man doing Tai Chi in a park as the hero walks by and smiles. In Dallas a Tai Chi class meets in front of the Museum of Art. You can’t really learn something like Tai Chi from a DVD, but then, I’m not looking to become a Master. I like meditation and Tai Chi is a kind of moving meditation, so it has a bit more appeal for me than the ab crunching DVDs that seem to be all the rage on the Infomercials.

Ah, breath slowly and deeply. . .

Jon Herrera
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Published by Jon Herrera

Writer, Photographer, Blogger.

2 Replies on “Tai Chi Chuan

  1. This is an excellent way to keeping limber. Getting up and walking helps too. I think most of us spend too much time behind a desk. Just saying.

    Have a terrific day. 🙂