Scott McClellan-Former First Liar

Scott McClellan has been making the rounds trying to sell his new book, What Happened. The poor sap seems to be genuinely surprised that he is being thrown under the bus by all his old buddies in Grand Old Party. I have not read his book, nor am I likely to any time soon. But one of the issues that Scott McClellan raises is that there was no real reason to invade Iraq-well, duh.

The Bush White House will go down in history as the worst Presidency ever. And it can all be laid at the feet of George W. Bush’s Job One-Invade Iraq and take out Saddam Hussein, no matter what. Scott McClellan feels that he was used-hmm, Press Secretary used to spread misinformation-who ever heard of such a thing?

The Bush Presidency will be a long list of what-ifs-what if he had invade Saudi Arabia, the home country of most of the 9/11 Terrorists instead of Iraq-a country he had a personal grudge against? We’d have all the oil in the world and gas would cost 80 cents a gallon-Bush would be the most beloved President of all time. Oh wait, we have a gazillion gallons of oil in Iraq but we aren’t shipping it home, so never mind. Would Scot McClellan still have written a tell all book? Most likely he would have.

Scott McClellan was a nobody who was briefly a Somebody and then returned to being a nobody. His only shot at making any money off his 15 minutes was to write a book about it. Scott McClellan is making the best of it-his book has hit number one on and he is making the rounds again telling people not to believe the lies and just to get a copy of What Happened and read it for themselves.

I never liked him much when he was babbling away for the Press Corp-and I don’t much care for him now. But maybe I should read What Happened for myself-well, maybe not.

Jon Herrera
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Published by Jon Herrera

Writer, Photographer, Blogger.