Bloggers only seem to hit the big time when someone really hates them. Perez Hilton is a kind of mini superstar now, all because Roseanne Barr wants him dead. All the stars hate the paparazzi, but love to see their pictures in the papers.
The world is full of haters, why can’t we all just get along?
Perez Hilton is a celebrity blogger and self-proclaimed Queen of All Media. Rosanne Barr is a has-been comedian from the 80s whose claim to fame is putting white trash on national TV and getting bleeding rich from it. Perez said some things that Rosanne didn’t like, so she threatened to kill him. In Rosanne’s defense, this is perfectly acceptable behavior in most trailer parks. Just watch My Name is Earl or King of the Hill if you don’t believe me.
So how do I get Rosanne Barr, or Rosie O’Donnell, or Donald Trump to hate me?
1) Write about them often enough for them to hear about it and read what I have written. Which means thinking about them often enough to write about them.
2) The posts would have to be pretty mean and nasty to make them mad. After all, people have been saying mean and nasty things about them their whole careers, so it would need to be something really good. Like, they all have cooties.
3) I would have to have a lot of readers, otherwise no matter how mean and nasty I am, Celebrities will only jump to their defense if they think enough people are looking. Sigh, this plan to get traffic calls for traffic.
It seemed like a fun idea at the time, now I am not so sure. Maybe I can just find some more topless pictures of celebrities instead.
I wrote a Hubpage about Celebrity Death Threats, check it out for more of my great insights.