Britney Spears an Unfit Parent? There’s a Shocker

Britney Spears losing custody of her two sons to her former husband Kevin Federline is not all that shocking. Just watch entertainment shows and read tabloid accounts of her seemingly endless desire to act like an idiot. But the sad fact of the matter is that there are millions of idiots raising children in America. As a portrait photographer I see a lot of people with kids I wouldn’t trust to watch a goldfish for the weekend. But they are not gazillionaires and no one is jumping up and down demanding they become better parents. Well, maybe Dr Phil is…

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LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE! I thought about it, Nah

As of 9/12/07 51311 Comments, Views: 3,185,875, Favorited: 7603 times. You have to love an impassioned plea for mercy from a man under a blanket with a flashlight. He is a fan of strong language as well as Britney Spears. Or is he just screwing around in his own attempt to get ‘readers and making money off her.’ Chris Cocker, that can’t be a real name can it? seems to be obsessed with Britney Spears, almost as much as Perez Hilton. YouTube fame being what it is, once one of your videos takes off there is no going back. There…

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Why don’t Celebrities Hate Me?

Bloggers only seem to hit the big time when someone really hates them. Perez Hilton is a kind of mini superstar now, all because Roseanne Barr wants him dead. All the stars hate the paparazzi, but love to see their pictures in the papers.The world is full of haters, why can’t we all just get along?Perez Hilton is a celebrity blogger and self-proclaimed Queen of All Media. Rosanne Barr is a has-been comedian from the 80s whose claim to fame is putting white trash on national TV and getting bleeding rich from it. Perez said some things that Rosanne didn’t…

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