After getting a whooping 38 hits from Blogrush over the past 4 months I have decided to retire the Blogrush widget. It’s promise of targeted traffic to your blog did not work so well for me. It was a good mix of topics that got clicked, from book reviews to nude celebrities, but they just never added up to much.
My impressions were almost always under a thousand, which might say more about the Blogrush Network than it does about my posts. The one standout on the impressions front was Pushing Daisies Looks Like Tim Burton, which got 15,293 impressions, and-wait for it-2 clicks. There were a fair share of posts with impressions in the low thousands, but most of the them were under a thousand, some as low as a couple of hundred impressions.
I also found that writing an email to the site was like writing a letter to Santa, it might make you feel better, but don’t expect that Red Ryder BB Gun to show up under the tree. I got no response form the two or three emails I sent asking for a replacement Referral Link sine I either didn’t get one or more likely, didn’t realize I would never be able to get it again.
It’s one of those little things that seems like a good idea at the time. The Widget is not all that bad looking and it doesn’t take up that much space, unless your like me and have a few hundred other things crowding your sidebar. Court says he had high hopes for Blogrush, as did we all. Woobie has another Widget she likes better, Entrecard. Hey, it’s news to me. But then I am still a small fish in the blog ocean.
The thing that all these widget are after is traffic, but the way they work is on the theory that people reading a blog or surfing the web are there just killing time. Ho hum, while I have a couple of hours to kill let me check out some of these headlines in this Widget over here. . .Ok, when was the last time you were just killing time?
Most of us find a handful of blogs we like and go to regularly. We don’t need Blogrush to help with that. Even if we love a lot of blogs, there comes a time when adding one more to the list is not much of an option. Seeing as we live in a universe with that whole finite time/space continuum thing going on, we just can’t read all the great blogs that are out there to read. And if we want to find out what the latest word is on the blog grapevine, we just do a Google Blog search and see what people are talking about-right now.
So I think Blogrush was a kind of cool idea, but as far as getting traffic, my dullest post on Digg gets more hits.