The Slusho Ad

Kittens love Slusho! It reminds them of mother’s milk!” grinned Smiler! Mayu.-Tagruato Headlines

It seems that most of the news on the Cloverfield, Slusho, Monstrous, J J Ambram’s Monster Movie is winding down. It is only a few week until the film hits the big screen and there seems little else to say. But there have been a few new things since last time I talked about Slusho and Cloverfield, so here goes.

The very strange video appeared on the Slusho website, though I could only get the sound to work on my system. But there it was on YouTube in all its weird glory. Disembodied heads and giant moose fit in with the rest of the Slusho Cloverfield Universe I suppose.

The Tagruato website does not seem to have changed too much, but then I never spent that much time fiddling around with it. The Slusho Smilers seem a bit creepy though, what with their odd desire to feed Slusho to every animal they can find. There is the T.I.D.O. site that hates Tagruato though and there are a few interesting things going on there.

Jamie and Teddy seems to have reached the end, but you can never be sure. The password is jllovesth for those don’t know it. The last video is fun, as it features a large Slusho, a sandwich Jamie is warned not to eat, and a mention of our hero being trapped on a drilling platform run by–wait for it–Tagruato. They seem to have found something.

The 1-18-08 site has nothing new and I am not sure why they are leaving it up. Maybe it will still be there in ten years as a tombstone to the great Cloverfield Buzz Marketing Campaign.

There is new Offical Website at Cloverfield-1-18-08. This a place to watch the Trailer, grab the Cloverfield 1-18-08 Widget and get a hint at what the film is about, five people trying to surviving the most horrible night of their lives. There is also a link to Join the Facebook Page, Myspace must be so broken hearted.

So that is that for this Cloverfield update. I don’t know if anything else is going to happen with Cloverfield 1-18-08 now, but I see anything, I’m sure to write a post about it.

Jon Herrera
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Published by Jon Herrera

Writer, Photographer, Blogger.