In the too much time on their hands file we find a group of people offended by the mermaid on the Original Starbucks Logo-which it is now using on its Pike Place Coffee. A man in San Diego has described the Starbucks Logo cup as ‘a naked woman on it with her legs spread like a prostitute.’

The Original Starbucks Logo has been featured in a lot travel stories, as it is proudly displayed in the window of the Original Starbucks store. So I’m sure they have received a lot of comments from people who like the old world Starbucks logo. I would have to have been at sea a really long time to find this mermaid erotic. Of course, I have heard that sailors though Manatees were mermaids-have you ever seen a manatee?
Most of the Christians I met in my work are nice enough people who don’t dress like it’s 1900 and don’t seem to be fringe wackos who worry about stuff like mermaid nudity on Starbucks logos. Some of them help run homeless shelters. A lot of them like to say things like Have a Blessed Day-but are otherwise perfectly normal.
The Starbucks Logo story is just some group of nobodies wanting to get a little attention-and help promote the notion that all Christians are flaming idiots.

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