Hey America, I’m Paris Hilton and I’m a celebrity too. Only I’m not from the olden days and I’m not promising change like that other guy. I’m just hot.-Paris Hilton
In the 1960s there was a comedian named Pat Paulsen, who, as best as I can recall, only showed up to run for President. He was a stodgy and serious sort of fellow and looked pretty much anyone else running for President. He had a great dead pan delivery, whereas Paris Hilton can’t help finding the whole idea of running for President kind of silly.
Paris Hilton and Britney Spears were recently spotted for a few seconds in a John McCain campaign ad and this has lead Paris Hilton to Run for President. I say, why not? Well, she’s too young for one thing, but why let a little thing like the law get in the way? They clearly need an upper age limit as well, I’m thinking maybe fifty? I’ve never liked these old guys running the world myself. Paris Hilton’s video on Funny or Die has a little over 6000 Diggs, which is pretty impressive.
But then, she is Paris Hilton and bloggers have been in love with the skinny blond forever-even before the Paris Hilton sex tape became must squint viewing. There’s just something about a really beautiful woman with more money than god that most men find appealing-even if she is as dumb as a bag of hammers.
“She’s a lot smarter than people give her credit for,” Henchy of Funny or Die said. Well, duh-she couldn’t possibly be as dumb as people give her credit for. But the guys at FunnyorDie.com are pretty smart, now they just need to get Britney Spears to run for President tomorrow. That’s what I want to see, Paris Hilton Debates Britney Spears-the mind boggles. I say for get the old guys and let’s all write in Paris Hilton.

Paris and her PR team are geniuses, despite her reputation… they continue to do utilize events to effectively booster her PR
I expect a set of commemorative coins with her likeness any day now.