I was in Roswell, NM a few years ago when they had the 50th Anniversary of the UFO Crash. That was a great bit of New Mexico Tourism, as most people would never have heard of Roswell if something had not fallen out of the New Mexico sky in 1947. This town in the middle of nowhere is not exactly a beauty spot. But it was still fun being there and eating at the Crash Down Cafe and visiting the UFO Museum.
Of course, the aliens in this commercial, and the others like it, are not the cute and cuddly Greys of Alien Abductions and Whitley Streiber fame. These are more along the lines of the Aliens that drip acid from their steel teeth and pop out of your stomach at the most inconvenient times.
So the question has to be, does a monster with a twitchy tail make you want to go to New Mexico? On the other hand, would anything make you want to visit New Mexico?
I like the Alien ads, they look pretty good and they are pretty silly. So hats off to New Mexico Tourism for getting some buzz over what are normally extremely boring and predictable Tourism ads.
The comments on YouTube seem to get the joke, while some people are not happy about the ugly aliens talking about how much they love New Mexico. If it’s a place a bunch of monsters like, hey, maybe I’ll like it too!