Thinking about my own sad little life, seeing as I am only a couple of years older than Ian-I have really not done much with my life. I don’t own a house, I don’t own much of anything worth much, and I would likely get a couple of hundred dollars if I sold my life on ebay.
Ian’s life for sale site has a little survey, in which most of the people seem to think it’s a brilliant idea for him to sell his life on e Bay com. These same people say that they would not sell thier lives on e bay com.
Since there are people who are willing to buy toast with Jesus on it and all kinds of odd and strange items, why not have a man sell his life on ebay? My e bay experience-I have sold a few books and a couple of Hawaiian shirts on ebay, but I found that it takes too much time, both in finding stuff to sell and packing it up and shipping it. But then, I have always been more of the lazy type. I want that whole get rich without working thing. Just haven’t found it yet.
How to make money on ebay? I guess selling your life on ebay is one way. But then it isn’t really an ebay business, unless he can whip up another life in pretty short order. Sell it on ebay, sell it all on e bay com.