eBay Feedback Still Sucks

I’ve sold stuff off and on over the years on eBay. I had these grand ideas of making millions, but never really got around to it. I always wanted one of those deals where you sell stuff from China and it is drop shipped and you never even see it. Like those silly commercials for SMC with Tom Bosley I could just never figure out how to make any money buying something for five dollars and selling it for ten-since no one seemed to want to pay the five for it to start with. Anyway-I sold books, golf shirts, Hawaiian…

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eBay Bans Ivory

eBay announced Monday that it would ban all commerce in ivory, including most heirlooms, to avoid providing a market that will encourage the slaughter of endangered elephants. The eBay ban on Ivory will take effect on January 1, 2009. At the time of this writing there are about 38,000 ivory items for sale on eBay. Of course, these are not all items made from ivory, most are the color ivory. I’m not sure how eBay is going to enforce this ban, as the word ivory is so common in its listings. I can’t even figure out how to narrow the…

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Man Sells His Life on eBay

Ian Usher wants a fresh start, so he is selling everything he owns on eBay-that’s one way to make money on e bay com. He thinks his life will sell for 500,000 dollars. The Nutter’s site is called alife4sale. Thinking about my own sad little life, seeing as I am only a couple of years older than Ian-I have really not done much with my life. I don’t own a house, I don’t own much of anything worth much, and I would likely get a couple of hundred dollars if I sold my life on ebay. Ian’s life for sale…

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