I like Hillary Clinton and hope that she wins the nomination and the election, but the odds are good that she is not looking for voters among the readers of my blog. For one thing, I don’t have a solid core of readers, it changes from day to day and search to search. The biggest segment of my traffic is still, some months after the event, people looking for nude photos of Vanessa Anne Hudgens. If Hilary Clinton wants to pose naked in a hotel room sometime, I can get some eyeballs for her. Otherwise, not so much. Still, there could be that one voter that matters, and they could be reading any web page at any time.
On the cover of the New York Times there was a story about search marketing and how Mitt Romney ads were running on Gay.Com, not exactly a strong hold of his conservative base. But whose to say that readers of Gay.Com might not like some of what Mitt Romney has to say? After all, Mitt Romney is a lot more like Ron Paul than he might think, there are millions and millions of people out there that have never heard of him.
I’m not picking on Ron Paul or Mitt Romney, millions have not heard of most of the people running for President. Most of us could just not care less at this point. Fred Thompson made news because it was a name we recognized. As Jay Leno says, you get the government you deserve. Ok, maybe none of us want another old white guy, especially another old white guy that thinks attacking every country in the world that isn’t run by old white guys is a good idea.
My favorite Barack Obama story has him going down to New Orleans for a photo op. He hops out of his limo, slaps a paintbrush against the side of a house, SNAP, and hops back in the limo before you can say FRAUD! I don’t know if this is a true story, but the fact that I had no doubts about it whatsoever must tell you something about my level of trust of the people wanting to lead our country.
Back in the good old days Nixon lost the Presidential race because he forgot to shave and JFK looked a hell of a lot better than he did anyway. Dole lost to Clinton because Dole was an old guy. Quayle lost because he couldn’t spell potato. Clinton, like Reagan, didn’t lose, he was forced out by a congress that hated the fact that America loved Franklin Delano Roosevelt and put in a term limit where there shouldn’t be one.
Still, I really wouldn’t want another four minutes of George, Jr, but then, I don’t think anyone else would either. So we should care. Our sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, fathers and mothers, and just people we know, are dying because of the man in the oval office. We really should care. But really, we don’t.
Maybe if someone under forty with a really good head of hair ran for President, I still Noelia would be a good President. Hmm, she’s only 28 and she does have nice hair.