Father Knows Best ,Weeds and The Death of the Sitcom

Father Knows Best is a classic, stereotypical happily married couple with two point five children television situation comedy from the 1950s. Father went to work and made the money. Mother stayed at home and raised the kids. The kids went to school and followed a self imposed dress code, because it was the right thing to do. This was not reality, but people liked to watch it and pretend that it was.Weeds is one of the newer stereotypical television situational comedy, only the situation is that a widowed mother has to make ends meet anyway that she can. She choses…

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Uncle Kracker One Hit Wonder Arrested

You don’t know how you met me You don’t know why, you can’t turn around and say good-bye lyrics from Follow Me TMZ-all the news that isn’t really, reports that the singer Matthew Shafer, who records under the name Uncle Kracker was arrested for second-degree forcible sex. Kracker follows in the footsteps of all the other has beens that make the news when they get into trouble. The story starts off by mentioning that he used to DJ for Kid Rock, another has been from a few years back with slightly more than One Hit to his made up name.Rape…

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Stardust-Good Guys, Bad Witches and lots of CGI

Stardust is a big splashy movie with a lot of big name stars popping up at odd moments in it. The Computer Generated Images are all topnotch and for once don’t overshadow the story they are about. Flying pirates that catch lighting for a living, traders that barter in luck and protection, witches that eat the hearts of fallen stars to stay forever young-sort of. Oh yeah, a young man from our world trying to make the most of it to impress a girl that doesn’t like him.There is an odd bit of business at the very start of the…

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Hitting the Keywords Hard, Maybe Too Hard

The past few weeks I have been looking at Google Trends and then blogging about topics that I find kind of interesting. This has been a successful program for me as I have found a lot more traffic hitting If You Write It. But I have noticed something that I find kind of interesting, keyword stuffing, for lack of a better word. You can get a high spot on Google Trends, at least in the blog section, by stuffing your post with keywords. This is not news, or a big secret. I have been guilty of a bit of overloading…

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Micheal Vick-Once More With Feeling

Fans of Micheal Vick have to be happy about the bridge collapse as it is the only story anyone is covering at the moment. This does not mean people are no longer interested in the Atlanta Quarterback who rushed for a thousand yards last year. It might be assumed that he will not play this year, and it might be a good idea if he doesn’t. But neither the team nor the league has told him to stay off the field. Yet. The team can suspend him for four games after his current league suspension from training camp. Then we…

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Ritzy’s Burgers, Salads and Ice Cream- Oh My

Ritzy’s Fresh American Diner is the kind of place where George Jetson would feel right at home. It’s that kind of future vision from the 1950s that so many of us grew up with that makes the place feel a bit homey. Lots of chrome and plastic and satellite dishes hanging from the ceilings. This is another overly cute place, but here it works. They hand out little toys instead of numbers for you to sit on your table while you wait for your food to be prepared. The condiments are housed in little wire frame shopping carts. I had…

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You don’t know what it’s like to be black

I was talking to a co-worker not too long ago and she started a standard rank about how hard it is to be black in America. She is twenty-one years old and in my humble opinion, she doesn’t know what it is like to be black in America either. She was born at least thrity years too late. I am a mostly white guy, a mixed breed with a father that looked like Juan Valdez of Colombian Coffee fame and a mother that looked a bit Irish. Dear old mom would tell stories of not being served in restaurants when…

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