
There’s a simple problem with old school werewolves and vampires-there’s nothing stopping them from taking over the world. If all it takes to make a new werewolf is being bitten by an old werewolf, than how long would it be before the whole world was nothing but werewolves? Our heroes, such as they are, in Bitten consider themselves the Werewolf Police Force. It’s their job to make sure no one goes around making new werewolves. At least not in their backyard. And I mean literally in their backyard. They don’t seem to care much about the rest of the world,…

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Flowers In The Attic

The Lifetime network takes a walk on the dark side. Flowers In The Attic is one of those books that is so bad it’s good, if your into that kind of thing. It’s the tale of tortured children, incest, and bible thumping. The Lifetime movie gives us hints that there’s even more to this tale than meets the eye, so I’m guessing they might have plans to make one or two more movies from the gazillion books written or inspired by V.C. Andrews. We start off with the perfect family, Mom and Dad and four children. Dad dies suddenly and…

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Killer Women

I live in the Fort Worth/Dallas Metroplex in the great state of Texas. I’ve spent some time in Austin and San Antonio and several other spots around the state. Most people don’t talk with a drawl or a twang, most people don’t wear cowboy hats and cowboy boots, and most people don’t have pet long horn cattle. At least, most of the people I have known. Killer Women, like Dallas before it, is chock full o stereotypes. Everyone wears leather and denim and has at least one mounted animal on their wall.  It’s nice to see Texas on the small…

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Helix on Syfy

In a secret lab where they do bad things-wait for it-something goes wrong. Our heroes are a small group of CDC doctors who are called in to help with an outbreak in a freakishly advanced research faculty surrounded by frozen tundra. In standard cosy catastrophe fashion, we have a nice enclosed population of 120 or so people which will doubtlessly decrease by regular amounts throughout the season. The disease is the standard sci fi type where the person’s veins are pulsing and black, their eyes are bloody and odd, and they seem to have lost their mind to some other…

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Storage Wars Canada

Among my guilty pleasures is watching reality shows about people buying crap and reselling it. Storage Wars is an A&E show that works on the premise that it’s fun to watch a bunch of people fight over abandoned junk left in storage units. The show has proved so successful that it now has several clones-Storage Wars Texas, Storage Wars New York, and I recently found Storage Wars Canada. They all have a small group of people-usually four or five-who hate each other for no clear reason and always try to run up the price on the storage units. I find…

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Masters of Sex

In those glory days of yesteryear(1955) when sex was a mystery and Doctors were men, we find our heroes, Doctor Masters and his assistant Mrs Johnson. Over the course of the first season we see the relationship between Dr Masters and Mrs Johnson goes through a number of changes. She moves easily from secretary to research assistant to research partner to sex partner. This last bit is in order to better understand the data they have been collecting. Mrs Johnson is a woman who enjoys sex and every man she has sex with can’t help but fall in love with…

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Breaking Bad

Spoilers and such-             The bulk of Breaking Bad takes place in one year of the life of one Walter White.  Oh there’s a small epilogue to that year, but the man in that part of the story can hardly be looked at as the Walter White we know from the rest of the series. When we met our hero, such as he is, he is a man who lives a life of quiet desperation. He has a special needs son. He’s henpecked by his domineering, pregnant wife. He works in a High School teaching Chemistry-a far cry from his near…

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Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee

I’m one of those people that didn’t watch Seinfeld when it was on. The idea of a show about nothing just didn’t appeal to me. I’ve watched a few over the years-and I have to admit I do love the Soup Nazi episode, but for the most part, I wasn’t that taken with it. The fact that the show made Jerry Seinfeld richer than god I found a bit more impressive. For one thing it means he doesn’t have to work for a living anymore, which is always nice. Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee is a web series where Jerry…

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Parts Unknown

Anthony Bordain remains the man I want to be when I grow up.  He’s a grumpy fellow who gets paid to travel around the world, eat amazing food, and make snarky comments about anything that crosses his mind. I feel like I know Tony and I always enjoy time spend following him around. His latest show is on CNN, an odd choice since they are not known for their great takes on food; but a good one, since they are known for traveling the world. Parts Unknown is pretty much No Reservations. A film crew takes amazing location shots while Anthony…

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Space’s Orphan Black

  How would you feel if you woke up one day and discovered that you are not as unique in the world as you thought? Instead of being a one of a kind, it turns out your a clone, and you have no idea how many other ‘you’s are out there.  This is the basic premise of the Canadian science fiction show Orphan Black airing on Space and BBC America. Clones were a big deal in science fiction in the 1970s, lots of movies, lots of books, and even a throwaway line tossed into Star Wars about Obi-Wan fighting with…

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