I’m not what you’d call a real religious type, but I occasionally see things that I think are kind of cool. These Bible One Sheets are very cute. Having grown up watching The Ten Commandments, The Robe, and any number of Christmas specials, I do know a bit about the Bible. There was a time when I worked my through the often confusing and occasionally baffling Holy Bible. There is a lot of weird crap in there. By and large I just remember the stories that seem to have soaked into my brain over the years. Stories that have been written about, sung about, and generally seem to be everywhere you look. Adam and Eve, David and Goliath, Jonah and The Whale, Noah and the Ark, and so on and so forth. All very interesting little stories.
One of my pet peeves about the modern Religious Types is their burning desire to steal ideas from everyone else. As a blogger that often writes about stuff found on Google Trends I don’t really have a big problem doing it myself. There is just something wrong with stealing, isn’t there? Ok, a couple of examples, how about a T-shirt that says Got Christ? where you might expect to see Got Milk? Christian Plagiarism has gotten to the point that you’d be hard pressed to mention any corporate slogan that hasn’t be twisted into a Christian Slogan.
252stories.org, the re-think group, has taken the notion of idea theft to new heights with a series of very interesting children’s posters. They have taken some of the most popular film One Sheets of all time and turned them into Movie Posters for Biblical stories. They seem to call this brand of plagiarism re-Thinking. The posters have credits for such things as wardrobe and casting and even give story idea credit to specific books of the Bible. Based on a True Story. The Executive Producer is God. They all seem to be Rated FT-Family Time. They all have quotes from the stars.
These are very nice looking posters and the credits and quotes are often humorous. The titles and the catchphrases are good and you can almost hear that guy with the super deep, gravely voice reading the copy for the commercial. But why couldn’t they just make up their posters from the ground up? Why rip-off Jaws and Raiders of The Lost Ark and Star Wars? These posters were created by obviously talented and imaginative people, don’t they see that stealing kind of goes against the whole message of the artwork they are creating?
But hey, ten bucks is ten bucks, right?