The Vulture has what appears to be the call sheet for the last day of principal shooting for J J Abram’s still untitled monster movie, which is not titled: Slusho, Monstrous, Cloverleaf, Cloverfield, Parasite, or Cheese. The jury is still out on The Beast and Overnight and one persistent commenter that believes it will be UltraMan.
This call sheet seems to give away the ending, but it may not. It is a very rare film that is shot in order. The last day of shooting just means the last day of shooting. I have not been impressed with the two or three places that have stills from the shooting set, as it is a monster movie, 1-18-08 without CGI doesn’t look much like anything.
At this rate I fully expect the entire script to be floating around by the time this picture is released, if not a full blown torrent of the finished movie.
There does not appear to be any news on the Slusho or 1-18-08 websites.
Are You One of Us? and Slusho is People seem to pop up a lot on Happy Talk, if that means anything.