The Rolling Stone article is fun to read and seems to know what it is talking about. I am still amazed that so many people love this dimwit-and no, I have no respect for either the office or the man.
My personal criteria for George W Bush being the Worst President Ever fall into two main camps-1) We should have never invade Iraq-period. 2) This President has left America so screwed up that the next President, or the one after that, may not be able to to fix it.
The real measure of George W Bush’s failure will not even be fully understood for years to come. Can a country declare bankruptcy? The collapse of America as a sovereign nation may be George W Bush’s finial legacy.
George Bush defenders like to say that George is not really all that bad-not when compared to Really Bad World Leaders. And it is true enough that George is not in the same league as Hitler, Stalin and Mao, but he is no saint either. Every single death in Iraq since the U.S. invasion can be laid squarely on George W Bush’s head. This death toll is unknown, but guessed at somewhere between 100,000 and 1,000,000. Hitler’s death toll is in the millions and Stalin’s death toll is in the tens of million. Mao of course had much longer to work than the others and is credited with killing off about 70 million people. These are just numbers I found with a quick Google-but they sound about right to me.
We seem to have had a National Debt of about 6 Trillion when George took office-with Clinton running a surplus in the fiscal years he was in office, which means he was not adding to the National Debt and paying it down in small increments. George W Bush has added about 4 trillion dollars to the National Debt. Well, it isn’t real money after all-and the United States can always print more. It worked out so well when Mexico did that. How would you feel about paying fifty thousand dollars for lunch at McDonalds? Could never happen here? Have you seen a map of the British Empire lately?
When I say that George W Bush is the worst President Ever the Bush defends all say No, he isn’t and when pressed for the name of a worst President they all perk up and say Obama. Well, the current President is always a good target-but I think we should at least let Obama take The Oath before he toss him under the bus. George W Bush has proved again and again that when history asked him to step up to the challenge that he was not up to it.

i like this post very much. aside from being well written, it also gives us people from outside the U.S. a good understanding of why bush is not liked by a lot of Americans
i hope for the whole world’s sake that Obama will do a better job. we here in the Philippines are also affected by the crash of the American economy
you are so right. i can;t think of a worse president, and there have been a few bad ones, but none have screwed up so much that they all but made the world implode…than again, he still has a few weeks to do that, too.
Yes, we are all shuddering at the thought of George W Bush’s last minute executive orders-maybe he’ll outlaw shoes.