She said she had thought ‘Bugger them, I’ll show them what I’ve got,'”
Police say an Israeli tourist felt harassed after she was wolf whistled at by New Zealand road workers-her response? She stripped naked while she used an ATM. While I have never been big on whistling at girls myself, I am now giving the idea a few second thoughts.
Workmen in the small town of Kerikeri were repairing the town’s main street when the young woman tourist took offense at their attention. Whistling at girls as they walk by is something you see a lot on TV, I guess it never occurred to me that this was much of a real world problem.
The Israeli tourist calmly stripped naked to use an ATM machine, then put her clothes back on and walked away. Sgt Peter Masters said the woman told police she did not take kindly to the men’s wolf whistles. And so, what better way to discourage this kind of rude behavior than getting naked in front of them? I haven’t seen any reports on what the workmen did at this point-maybe a bit of stunned silence, maybe a few cheers replaced the wolf whistles.
Mr Masters said the woman was taken back to the police station where she was told her actions were “inappropriate”.

Wha???? What a stupid thing to do! Like that would really discourage whistling!
She should have ninji-tsu karate-chopped them!
I live in Israel. It’s the leading country for commenting at pretty young women. This runs from lovely comments like “good morning, beautiful” to the not so savory “hey hottie”. Now here’s the kicker: the word used for hottie, in Hebrew, is derived of the word “cunt” (pardon my English 😉 ), so I highly doubt that a few whistles titillated this young woman.
Yes, it is a silly bit of business.
Cato-I like the idea of the direct approach with the karate chops.
Tali-Thanks for stopping by, I was going to say Hottie, but thought better of it.
See? “hottie” really isn’t that bad 😉