Using Google Blog Search I entered a few different topics and set the time for the last hour. Just thought I’d play around and see what the blogsphere is blogging about.
Top Blog Topics for Christmas Morning are-
Merry Christmas with a little over 11,000 posts in the last hour. These are people who have the courage of their convictions, unlike the good folks who are next.
Happy Holidays-has 1,905 new posts in the last hour. Purists don’t like Happy Holidays for the same reason they don’t like Xmas, seems to miss the whole point of the Saturnalia Celebration.
What I Got For Christmas-there are 3,807 new blog posts in the last hour for this one. So there are a few bloggers that were good this year. I got the Deluxe A Christmas Story that came with an apron that says You’ll Shoot Your Eye Out on it.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year-has 3,079 new blog posts over the last year. I guess they figure they can go ahead and kill two birds with one stone.
Season’s Greetings-there are only 99 new blog posts that say Season’s Greetings, an even more generic term than Happy Holidays.
Festivus-there are 50 new blog posts in the last hour about Festivus, which was actually on the 23rd. Ah nothing like gathering around the Festivus pole and telling your family how much they have disappointed you over the last year.
Kwanzaa-has 68 new blog posts over the last hour. I like Kwanzaa because it is totally make up and everyone knows it. Not quite as much fun as Festivus, as they people who follow it do tend to take it a bit more seriously than Frank Costanza takes Festivus.
Happy Hanukkah-got about a 100 new blog posts in the last hour of Christmas morning. These mainly seem to be from bloggers covering all bases and wishing everyone a happy everything.
Saturnalia-there are 15 new blog posts in the last hour explaining how Christmas is really the pagan celebration of Saturnalia. Well, more or less. Enjoy that Christmas tree and be sure to catch a few minutes of the new Yule Log on TV-both of these are good old Saturnalia stuff.
Yule Log-the last hour finds 27 new blog posts about how much people like wathcing a fake fireplace on tv as part of their Christmas traditions. There is also mention of those really neato cakes covered in chocolate and made to look like a log. Hmm, my mom used to make those, or did she just buy them from Figi’s?
Christmas-the word Christmas finds its way into 28,325 new blog posts over the last hour. Of course, this includes such things as Merry Christmas and Christmas Morning.
Christmas Morning-there were 3,589 new blog posts talking about Christmas Morning in the last hour. There is something compelling about blogging that we all feel the need to run and write a blog post on Christmas morning.
Egg Nog-83 new blog posts in the last hour with egg nog mentioned in them. I like egg nog, though I usually only drink the stuff from a carton that is marked down as it is about to go past it’s sell by date. Hmm, thick and nearly expired egg nog.
Well, I could go, but that seems good enough for this bit of silliness. So Merry Christmas and Happy New Year on this Christmas Morning. I am going to watch the Yule Log and drink some Egg Nog. Hope you had a good Festivus, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, and Saturnalia. Seasons Greets and Happy Holidays and I hope you got what you wanted for Christmas.

May you and yours have a very Merry Christmas. 🙂
And to you and yours
Happy Holidays. Just in case you’re wondering how to make a delicious yule log cake, here’s the yule log cake recipe.