In what can only be called an armature photograph, a naked Vanessa Anne Hudgens smiles coyly as she stands in a dirty hotel room.
Vanessa Hudgens’ rep told “This was a photo which was taken privately. It is a personal matter and it is unfortunate that this has become public.”
By the standards of Paris Hilton and Pamela Anderson, the naked Vanessa Anne Hudgens photo is tame. Vanessa Anne Hudgens is nude, but not actively involved in any lewd acts, nor is it a video. Though if there is a still, there is always the possibility of a video as well. The odds are good that Playboy will make an offer to take some Professional Nude Photos of the High School Musical Star.
There are a lot of blogs, MySpace pages, and just plain personal web pages of one sort or another now where people are constantly posting these kinds of images of themselves. There are young women that go to events like Burning Man, where they get to walk around naked for a few days and have sex with strangers and watch others having sex. This is not really a good idea, is it?
People have been getting naked and have their likeness preserved forever. There are those famous nude painting in Pompeii, for example.
But it is only recently that it has become so easy to make a naked picture of someone like Vanessa Anne Hudgens, or Paris Hilton, or Pamela Anderson, or well, anyone. A camera phone is an invitation to be a pornographer. All it takes is a tenth of second. Digital Video and Digital Cameras now make it possible to take high quality naked images, if the skill to set up the shot and lighting is still out of reach. Of course, the artistic merits, or lack thereof, are not really the issue with the naked Vanessa Anne Hudgens photo.
It is so easy to snap a naked photo for the fun of it, or just for that special someone. For private use, as they like to say when these naked Vanessa Anne Hudgens images hit the internet or the newsroom. Senator Craig lost his job for tapping his shoe against another man’s shoe in the bathroom. Vanessa Anne Hudgens will be know as the Naked Vanessa Anne Hudgens, at least for today. If you want to be a movie star, where they often pay you to take your clothes off, wait until someone offers to pay before you get naked for a photograph.
Remember the X-Files-Trust No One. At least, trust no one with your naked picture, unless you want the whole world to see it.