Over the past few years we have seen the billboard for Two Frogs Grill on our way to or from Oklahoma City. This is a picture of two smiling frogs tied together. This billboard gives no hint as to what, exactly, the Two Frog Grill is. I was expecting either a home style place like Cracker Barrel or maybe an S&M club with a lot of leather and chrome.
Turns out that the Two Frog Grill is a blues club, or at least it seemed to be the day we were there. There is a small stage and the walls are lined with guitars and framed photos of musical performers of one sort or another. I recognized a few rocks stars. It was a dark place, with black walls and furniture and one of the main light sources a purple sign over the stage. The music playing in the background was the blues-I don’t often heard the blues and I liked it here.
The food was good, I had a grilled catfish and some red beans and fried okra. It seems that Two Frogs Grill wants to be a small time Hard Rock Cafe, with a lot of crap hanging on the walls and a lot of t-shirts with their logo on them. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
I liked the music and the food, but I didn’t like the overall feel of the place. Maybe I was a bit disappointed about the lack of leather.