A Trigger Warning is something designed to keep people from being upset by what they read or see. I agree with Neil when he says if you’re warned about something, you pretty much take the fun out it. I’m not sure this collection of stories and poems is seriously disturbing, but they are fun.
Neil Gaiman is one of my favorite writers and I think he’s a great reader of his own audio books. A few of the stories are very short and the last story is closer to a novella than a short story. They were all very good, though one or two were a little too subtle for my taste. The setup for some of the stories seemed a bit forced and then the ending came a little too quickly. These were mostly stand alone stories that exist in their own little universe, with a couple of notable exceptions.
There is the Dr Who story about The Kin featuring the 11th Doctor and Amy Pond. A fun story about the earth being taken over by aliens that wear Halloween style masks. Another cool story takes us back to the world of American Gods.
One problem with any collection of stories by the same author is that they all have the same general feel and style. Since this is Neil Gaiman, these are all stories with a supernatural twist of some kind and that is there focus, rather than say, character or plot. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but it does make the last story really stand out since it is the longest and has a tale to tell rather than a shock to deliver.
I’m also not a huge fan of contemporary poetry, and didn’t find the examples here all that interesting.
Trigger Warning was good, but not great.