Big Bill Parcels didn’t like Terrell Owens and seemed to be a bit over protective of Tony Romo. Now that Parcels is back behind a news desk, Romo can air it out and throw it to Owens, who seems to be holding on to the ball this year.
Against the Bears on Sunday night Romo threw for 329 yards while Owens caught eight passes for 145 of those yards. Marion Barber got 102 yards and most serious Dallas Cowboy fans think Julius Jones should seek other opportunities at this time.
A friend of mine was watching Cowboys training camp a few years ago, when Vinnie Testaverde came to town and the two future quarterbacks were Quincy Carter and Chad Hutchinson. The general opinion at the time was that Romo would ride the bench and collect his checks until he was traded or run out of the league. Big Bill loved Quincy Carter, as a lot of fans around here did. I never cared for the man that much myself. Carter liked to smoke weed more than play football. Chad faded away quickly and is now just a bad memory. Vinnie is also gone and soon to be forgotten.
Roger Staubach is not soon to be forgotten. The Heisman Trophy winner and Ring of Honor member who was the MVP of Superbowl VI was the last Great Quarterback the Dallas Cowboys had. The last good quarterback was Troy Aikman, and it could be argued that Troy won more Superbowls and is thus better than Staubach. Roger’s QB rating was 83.4 and Aikman’s QB rating was 81.6. Aikmen’s best rating was 99.1. Staubach’s best was 104.8. Tony Romo’s QB Rating at the moment is 111.9. Wow.
Danny White was a good quarterback who never had a chance as he follow the Great Roger Staubach into the job. There was no one good to follow Aikman. But now there might just be someone Great.
Tony Romo has been compared in recent weeks to Roger Staubach and Bret Farve. Now all he has do is lead this Dallas Cowboys team to the Superbowl a few times. With the NFC being as weak as it has ever been, this just might be the first year he makes it.