My old blog had a handful of readers and the usual mob that passed by for an occasional glance before moving on to the NEXT BLOG. But it was the comments and the sharing of ideas from the regulars that was kind of fun and lead to obsession. I talked about life, the universe and everything, as most bloggers tend to.
We tended to bounce ideas off each other and inspire posts in each others blogs. It was a bit of fun, but now that its gone I don’t dwell much on it. My blog is gone, while those I used to read roll on, more or less, as they always have. I had no fantasies that they would wither and die without my input and support, and I am not even sure that any of them noticed I am gone. Life, real life that is, has been a bit time consuming of late. I think it has to do with the latest self help craze of Asking and Getting. I spend a lot of time at churches and I pretty much have no use for any of them. They are walking wallets and I would feel the same about them if we were shooting any other group, but hey, there just aren’t as many other groups out there. Besides, I am not at all sure yearbooks for prisons would be a good idea.
The wife is obsessive blogger now who can’t tear herself away from the keyboard. She wanted me to see how it felt, but I think she actually likes it. There is something very interesting about finding like minded people and talking to them about like things. I am a bit more self contained, though it might be nice to get a comment once in a while. Of course, I have not had the time to work on this one and there are no readers to speak of. If you read, well, I’m not going to speak much about you.
I have no real regrets about getting rid of the old blog, you have to get rid of the old to make room for the new. Life is funny that way. Most of us don’t want it to be so, but if you could have everything, where would you put it? I guess there is always Flog It or Clean out Your Attic, but those shows are kind of staged, don’t you think?
Blogs are a bit of a stage as well. We can talk about our wisdom, or our folly, be tall, dark and hansom or have the perfect style or live in some exotic locale. We don’t have to be ourselves at all. But then again, we can be. We can sit and type and tell our life stories and our worst fears and the worst things that have happened to us or that we have done. There is that whole confessional thing, only the world ends up being your confessor. Whether they want to grand absolution is another matter, whether they care or not. It is just words in the ether, isn’t it?
One of the cool things about writing is that it means living forever, so long as some of the junk you write lives on somewhere. I am not at all sure about the immortality of the Internet. After all, these bazillion words we are all writing and maybe someone is reading are all stored on a server somewhere, right? Servers don’t last forever do they? And would it be such a bad thing if they don’t? There is a lot of junk out there. It’s easy enough not to bother reading, but I wonder if some future historian is going to wade through this shit and say ah, that was what life was like way back when. But blogs are not life.
On the other hand, it is kind of cool to think that random thoughts from all the world’s nutjobs might be discussed alongside other famous diary keepers like James Joyce and Virginia Wolfe. Of course, they were a bit loopy as well, weren’t they?
The great thing about blogs is you get what you pay for. Don’t like using capitol letters? no worries, neither do i. Do anything you like, just don’t expect everyone else to like it as well. I am not a big fan of odd colored fonts. But I seem to be the in minority on that front.
I seem to spend all my time on the road now, so there is some small chance that I will start to seriously blog once more, but I wouldn’t count on it. I am not really into bitching and moaning about things as much as I once was. I am not so sure about the Power of the Positive either. I do seem to be of the love it or hate it mode these days, all or nothing, all in or all out.
Hmm, sigh, I think I will go eat a bit of tapenade and watch TV while I listen to my self help mp3s. Or maybe I’ll just take a nap.
Having a day off in a place like Paris, TX is not as exciting as it could be.

Hey, you got it to work.
And I do like it.
So, how does it feel?
Hmm, since I never there now. . .
Since you are never here now…what?
You don’t care what I do? You only care what I do when you’re here to see it?
You don’t have any feelings? If you had feelings you would be here?
I have no idea what you mean when you do…that…. But usually something unpleasent pops into my mind.
hmm. . .
You didn’t call me yet.
I thought you were going to go buy another card and call me.