I seldom feel jealous of the hosts of Cooking Shows, as cooking seems to require some level of skill. The shows on the Travel Channel however, always make me say-Hey, I could do that! Of course, I am not cool and famous like Anthony Bourdain or cute and perky like Samantha Brown-so I would have to have some gimmick like Man vs Food’s Adam Richman or Bizarre Foods’ Andrew Zimmern. But even these two everyman looking fellows have long resumes that show they have been at this would entertainment thing for a while-even though I never heard of them until they got Travel Channel gigs.
So I am left to just watching, which is fine-who really wants to travel the world on someone else’s dime and get paid for it as well? Hmm, I think I could go to haunted houses or look for mythic animals-but then, I never watch those shows.
Anthony Bourdain’s No Reservations is my favorite Travel Channel show. He makes it look easy. It seems like your really watching Tony wander around in a daze and listening to his snarky thoughts on everything he sees. It takes a special person to travel the world and bitch and moan about just about everything at the same time. Anthony Bourdain also does many of the things I like to think about, but never get around to doing Like writing books, traveling the world and drinking Absinthe.