There are few things I love better than people looking at mundane images and deciding that something amazing has been captured. I really liked that whole Face on Mars business and the Woman on Mars photo really does look like a woman. So I have to be impressed with this little bit of video showing what looks like a woman talking on cellphone in 1928-pesky time travelers.
On first viewing I didn’t even notice anything odd about her. Even having been told that I was looking at footage from 1928, I am so used to seeing people walking around talking to themselves that a woman chatting away with her hand next to head didn’t seem odd. But then as I watched it a few times, it does seem as though this person is talking on a cellphone. So time traveler it is.
On further viewing, it looks more like she is just shading her face or scratching an itch. There is also the possibility of an ear trumpet that looks very much like a modern cellphone made by the Lutz company.
On the other hand, if this is a Time Traveler, then the Time Corp has some pretty slack requirements for joining.
The interesting bits of the time traveler in the Charlie Chaplin video start at around 2:41.