What would happen if you animated a podcast of three blokes sitting around BSing about this and that and and sex and monkeys? You might get something like the Ricky Gervais Show-which seems to feature Ricky Gervais making fun of one of is mates and laughing rather a lot. I like the show and find myself laughing out loud from time to time as well.
There is a lot of harsh language and a lot of being mean to the fellow who seems to have an amazingly odd life and an even odder set of beliefs. The Ricky Gervais Show kind of reminds of The Howard Stern Show, in the what-they-get-paid-for-doing-this kind of way. Ricky Gervais and long-time collaborator Stephen Merchant make fun of Karl Pilkington with a number of cartoon sight gags to help fill out a show that is nothing but three people talking.
I like Ricky Gervais-anyone who laughs at their own jokes as much as he does is alright in my book.