A small lesson in SEO, the popular media, and nudity on the web. I was trolling Google Trends, as is my wont, when I found a story about a Naked Vanessa Anne Hudgens photo. This photo seemed to be Vanessa Anne Hudgen naked in a bathroom, but it was really just a dirty hotel room. I had never heard of Vanessa Anne Hudgens, nor had I watched Disney’s High School Musical, or High School Musical Two, which set a number of ratings records for cable TV. But I am a guy and a Naked Vanessa Anne Hudgens is as good as a Naked Anyone Female. So I whipped up a post about Vanessa Anne Hudgens Naked in a Photo.
Now I had been trying to get traffic to my blog, as most people with blogs like to see those big numbers on their stat counters. That first day I got 3500 hits for the post titled Vanessa Anne Hudgens Naked in a Photo. It was a bit of good luck and a bit of SEO that worked for me. I could have just posted the picture and maybe the numbers would have been good. But I wrote a fairly long post, mentioning a Naked Vanessa Anne Hudgens as often I could. The fact that the title was Vanessa Anne Hudgens Naked was what really did the trick-but if it had not had a keyword rich post to go with it I don’t think I would have gotten as high a rating as I did. I didn’t think of the Vanessa Anne Hudgens naked in a bathroom phrase, but I did write about her being naked in a dirty hotel room, which seemed to be close enough. The point of all this is that when someone Googled any of a large number of combinations of the words Naked and Vanessa Anne Hudgens, my blog post was near the top and at one point, was number one and two. (I had submitted the story to Digg and Netscape and Newsvine, so those stories showed up as well as the main post.) I could have tweaked the post a bit and gotten more hits and kept the number one spot, but to be honest I find the whole thing a bit embarassing. I did post the naked picture of Vanessa Anne Hudgens, but it was Photoshopped in a couple of places. I left a link to Photobucket, which had a copy of the image in all its tacky glory.
I have a couple of small groups of Adsense ads at the top of the page. In a matter of hours these were all Adsense ads about Vanessa Anne Hudgens. The small trickle of money from those ads is a lot more than the small trickle before the article. I did nothing really different than I do on any other Trend Post, I just happen to hit on a topic that was wildly searched for, and would continue to be wildly searched for some time to come.
Right before this I had found out that using the word Topless or Nude was a good draw, but I was not sure that there would be any Adsense money to go with a photo of Heidi Klume and a riding crop. I am still not sure there is much money there. But I have made a steady few dollars a day with Vanessa Anne Hudgens Naked and as of right now, two weeks later, I’m still getting over a thousand hits a day.
There were hints that this was going to be a good story with legs, as there were a lot of combinations of the keywords on Google Trends the day the story broke. But I’ll be honest, I don’t know why naked photos of Vanessa Anne Hudgens are so popular. Maybe it’s that whole Disney Connection.