You start a blog and jot down your thoughts. You tell the world what you had for lunch, accompanied by a nifty little photo of the food-filled plate sitting on a white tablecloth. You talk about how it sucks to be you, or how it is so wonderful to be you. You write reviews of movies and tv shows and books. And for a while, you are happy.
Then you start flipping around the blog sphere and notice that other bloggers write and receive comments. They link to each other. And they have all this way cool stuff all over their blog. Way cool stuff that you want.
So this is my latest obsession. Finding stuff to paste into my blog. There is no limit to this stuff. I already have way too many doodads, and there is this this kind of mini lust whenever I see something new that I like. Soon there will be no blog here at all, just all the crap that has been pasted onto it.
The blog widget is a generally harmless and almost always useless bit of business. A clock, a map, lists of books-movies-songs-ringtones, videos and newfeeds, and well, at least one tracker.
I’m reminded of Homer’s webpage that was noting but elements stolen from other websites. Hmmm, stolen elements. . .