I’ve noticed a lot of these Link To This Blog dodads lately. I’ve been wandering around dropping the occasional Entrecard and looking for blogs to Follow. While checking out the odd and wonderful things the my fellow bloggers like to tack onto the side bar I saw a lot of these website links code boxes. Tips For Bloggers has a nice little post explaining exactly how to make these free links-for the HTML impaired such as myself. It was easy enough to use a new blog post in blogger to add the image and the text for the inbound links examples. Link building is the idea-and as far as I can tell this isn’t a let’s trade links type of thing, just a link.
So I guess my question would be, does anyone actually use these links? The blogs I have seen text links and image links on are not exactly Problogger or Perez Hilton-and neither am I. True enough, we all want to improve our link popularity-that’s standard issue SEO with an eye toward better Google Pagerank. I have been known to occasionally exchange links-and I have a lot of text links pointing all over the place on my blogs.
Google makes a good deal of money with Google Sponsored Links, and I have run the odd Adwords campaign. But I have not had a lot of luck with sponsored links. I don’t buy links, there are plenty of free places to drop a text link. And these little dodads offer one way links, the kind that Google and the other search engines like.
So these are not sponsored links, though they could be viewed as text link ads I suppose. So this is just kind of a Why Not? thing for me-if you want a link to If You Write It-there they are. If not, well thanks for stopping by anyway. Just one more way to try and get a bit of link love.
To link to If You Write It, copy and paste the code below into your site.

Are you on crack again?
Tell me again what happens if I paste that code on my blog? It takes me to Problogger? Adwords? Back here? Paypal? What?
Wait. I’ll go read it again. 🙂
Well, I suppose it could be some magic code that takes you wherever you want to go-Shanghai, Nirvana, Paris Hilton’s house. . .