Only one thing in the world could’ve dragged me away from the soft glow of electric sex gleaming in the window. Little Orphan Annie. -Ralphie from A Christmas Story
From time to time I see the Major Award from A Christmas Story and it always makes me smile. There is something about the idea of getting an award, even one as silly and pointless as a lamp shaped like a leg, that makes the heart quicken. Of course, back in the good old days you didn’t get award for just showing up, you had to do something. The Old Man in A Christmas Story liked to complete word puzzles, and that’s how he won his Major Award.
There seems to be thriving business in recreating and selling all kinds of odds and ends from the movies and Tv shows. You can buy a life sized replica of the Robot from Lost in Space, though why you would want to has always been a bit of a mystery. Buy hey, they are only $24,000, so why not buy two? For around $50,000 you get a nice 7 foot tall Robbie the Robot. But I digress.
The Leg Lamp aka The Major Award was one of the best parts of A Christmas Story, clearly an item so ugly that no one would pay money for it, so it was given away for solving crossword puzzles. The Wife hangs out with some serious Trek Nerds who have all kinds of Star Trek items in their homes, and I think the Leg Lamp would fit in perfectly with that whole other world theme. Fortunately, the leg lamp cost a lot less than a robot.