You get what you ask for, whether you want it or not.-Abraham
The Law of Attraction by Esther and Jerry Hicks and a mysterious disembodied host of Higher Beings called Abraham, is a fun book to read. I have been a self-help junkie for the better part of my life. When you first start reading Self help books, you have this wonderful optimism that the book will actually help you. I have now lowered my expectations to feeling good while I am reading a self help book.
The Law of Attraction does make you feel good. The first half of the book re-tells the story of how Esther was possessed by Abraham and how Jerry took it all in stride and started to ask questions. The fact that people still believe in Channeling so many years after Ramtha has faded away is kind of funny. But the book is fun to read, whether you believe the Hicks are channeling Higher Spirits or just channeling money into their bank accounts.
The Secret was nothing more than an Abraham production, where Esther Hicks makes a cameo appearance as one of the many wise and humble people that have benefited from The Secret. Once anything hits Oprah and she ohs and ahs over it, the authors never have to work again. Not that the Hicks had to work too hard anyway, all you have to do is believe in the future you want to live, and then live it.
Most people get the Law of Attraction confused with Norman Vincent Peals Power of Positive Thinking. I’m sure that Norman would not find this all that amusing, seeing as he was a devote Christian. One of the Principles of Abraham is that You Are God. Which harks back to Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert A Heinlein-do you grok Abraham? Maybe, but not in fullness.
The second half of the book has a number of games/processes that are designed to help you remember that You Are God. These involve things like having a Rampage of Appreciation for all the good things in your life. The idea here being that whatever you think of most will be in your life the most. The Processes are why you want to buy this book. They are easy to do and have a nice calming effect. Have they made me a millionaire? Well, no, they have not. Do I always get that parking space right by the front door? No, I don’t, but then I think the walk is better for me. I do feel better about myself and about my future when I do these odd little games.
The book does have a strange way of talking, the better to belief that a non-human is saying it, I guess. So there are times when you will have to go back a re-read something. I found myself re-reading quite a bit. Maybe Abraham needs to study English before the next book comes out. Still, I enjoyed The Law of Attraction and recommend reading it and doing at least a few of the processes. Hey, it couldn’t hurt.