I’m not a fan of CGI when it comes to organics-skin, hair, plants, and animals. CGI is downright amazing when it comes to non-organics-metals, glasses, lights, and most hard and shiny things. I love computers, but I don’t love movies that think all they need is More CGI! for it to work. Peter Jackson’s King Kong(Worst Movie EVER) and the last Three Star Wars films spring to mind here.
I was never a big fan of The Hulk comic books-I was a DC comics fan and would rather read about the exploits of Green Lantern and the Justice League. But I did like Bill Bixby, so I watched and really loved the The Incredible Hulk television show. The idea that the Hulk could be played by a body builder wearing green make-up was never a problem for me. Hell Boy, unless I am mistake, is Ron Peralman in a costume and The Thing in the dreadful Fantastic Four films is an actor in a costume. So why do we need the god awful CGI Hulk and Abomination?
Ok, Bad Cgi aside, I like The Incredible Hulk. This was an entire tip of the hat to the TV Show-complete with cameos and a virtual recreation of the Tv Show’s opening titles. There was just a hint of the music, but it was still a nice touch. The actual film soundtrack sucked, as it was just noise for the most part. The Hulk looked sort of ok, in a fake CGI sort of way-Abomination looked even worse.
But it is a comic book, so maybe that whole its supposed to look fake thing was at work here.
The story was fun, the guest shot of Tony Stark at the end was fun-and you didn’t have to wait for the end of the bleeding long ass credits to see it. Did you know personal hair stylists got a movie credit? Weird. Nothing after the credits here.
There was a lot of stuff blowing up, a lot of stuff tossed around, and a lot of Alpha Monster yelling and a bit of Alpha Monster whispers. These guys can talk, but they expect you to listen to them when they do. Lou Feregno’s Hulk never said anything, and I kind of liked it that way. The Hulk’s caveman speak was never the character’s best feature.
One of the best bits of the film is in the beginning where our hero is working at a soda pop bottling plant somewhere in Brazil. The houses are sitting on top of each other and climb up the side of a hill in what looks a really great place for a landslide. The narrow streets are cobblestones and crowded and old Doc Banner seems to have a couple of hot Brazilian women who want him, but he really can’t do that sort of thing any more. Or maybe it was the same hot Brazil chick both times, hard for me to tell. Is there really a city that looks like that? What keeps it from falling in on itself? It looked like a house of cards, albeit a really big house of cards.
Ok, the Bad CGI. They were really reaching in this film-they had The Hulk cartoon hit with Sound Waves, Rainstorms, and countless bullets bounced off his impervious green hide. None of it looked even remotely real. Even the fake aircraft exhaust looked exactly like fake aircraft exhaust. What bugs me is that the story was good-they didn’t need all this crap CGI-but by God its in the Budget so they have to use it.
It was a good movie, but it would have been better without so much CGI.