“The Banana Splits is a classic that has been entertaining kids for years,” said Stuart Snyder, president of Turner Animation.
Fleegle, Bingo, Drooper and Snorky are to star in new comedy shorts and music videos on the Cartoon Network. I always have mixed feelings about beloved childhood shows being remade. I never liked those feel good Tom and Jerrys where they were pals. But I did like the cartoon version of Star Trek. Of course, I’m an old guy now and not exactly the target audience for a new Banana Splits show.
You know, I don’t remember The Banana Splits looking this bad when I was a kid. But then, kids don’t seem to notice bad effects and costumes. The Wife’s favorite kid show was Land of The Lost, which was filled with bad stop action animation and hissing Sleestaks. She is very unhappy that Will Farrell is to star in a Land of The Lost movie. Where are Sid and Marty Krofft when you need them?
I mainly remember the opening sequence with the happy Tra La La Song, part of which was filmed at Six Flags Over Texas. Back when Six Flags was still just one amusement park and based in Texas. I remember sliding down the Giant Slide The Banana Splits slide down. Back in those days Six Flags Over Texas was a family amusement park with shows and rides that didn’t make you want to throw up. So there was this kind of cool connection to The Banana Splits-I had been to Six Flags and the Banana Splits seemed to live at Six Flags Over Texas.
So move over Sponge Bob, The Banana Splits are back.