Life’s been so good to me
Has it been good to you?
Has it been everything
That you’ve expected it to be?
Was it as good for you
As it was good for me?
And was it everything
That it was all set up to be?
–Danny Elfman
I’m grateful for a number things, though I may sound a bit crabby at times. First of course, I am grateful for The Wife, the only real person in my life-everyone else is just a shadow. I am also grateful for all those shadowy readers who stop by If You Write It and those who have subscribed to my RSS Feed-though I tend to run them off after a short time.
On the Writing front I am grateful for NaNoWriMo, Dramatica Pro, Spell Checkers, and Word Counters.
Authors too many to name, but a few whose works have inspired-Stephen King, Stephen R Donaldson, Arthur Conan Doyle, Issac Asimov, Robert Heinlein, Philip K Dick, Christoper Moore, and Laurell K Hamilton.
Grateful to whoever invented TV and the Networks that have ruled them for lo these many years-CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX, BBC, ITV, and whatever other networks around the world that have helped to make the shows I’ve watched on PBS over the years.
Movies that I am grateful for, a pretty mixed bag, but I’m glad to have seen all of them. Singing in the Rain, Aliens, The Matrix, Star Wars(Just Star Wars–NOT A New Beginning), The Maltese Falcon, Tootsie, Victor/Victoria, Star Trek II The Wrath of Khan, and everything starring Audrey Hepburn.
Books I’m grateful for, The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant The Unbeliever, The Anita Blake books, The Lovejoy books, The Hobbit, In Cold Blood, The Discworld Books, In The Name of The Rose, The Da Vinci Code, The Travis McGee books, Rich Davis’s American Barbecue, The Thrill of The Grill, countless Photoshop books, and countless books on being a writer, but especially Carolyn See’s On Being a Writer.
I am grateful for Entrecard and Blog Catalog for the countless great blogs I have found and lost since I signed up for these two outfits. I am grateful for Google, Alexa, Yahoo, MSN, Dogpile, and the many other fine search engines that have been kind enough to add If You Write It to their indexes. I am grateful for a number of books on SEO and Making Money Online. I am also grateful for Adsense, Adwords,, and Commission Junction, as well as Blogsvertise and Smorty.
The Blogs I am grateful for are ones I have found, for the most part, through either Blogcatalog or Entrecard. A Slap & A Tickle and British Speak, When Things Go Dark, A Postcard a Day, J-Walk Blog, and about two hundred and fifty other blogs that I have dropped Entrecards on in a totally random fashion over the past few months. Many of these blogs I just stop by and drop cards on but don’t read that much. I am grateful for all of you for putting you Entrecard widget at the top of the page, or having content that I find worth reading and scrolling down for.
I’m also grateful for Blogger, Word Press, Plurk, Digg, Propeller, Stumble Upon, Delicious, Mixx, and the handful of other Social Networks that I have never mastered but still try to use-Facebook, Reddit, Orkut, all seemed like a good idea at the time.
It’s all good-I just need to stop and remember that once in a while. I would go back and add links to everyone, but I do have that novel I am working on.
Happy Thanksgiving all.