Damanhur is a collective dream transformed into reality thanks to the creative power of positive thought.
the Damanhur webstie
The Federation of Damanhur is a ‘secret’ society which was featured on Good Morning America and has a very nice website. This might be called an Eco Cult, as they are all about nature and living in harmony with the world around them. In addition to the Temples of Humankind they have a seed bank and many of them seem to live in trees or caverns. Their Temples of Humankind are ornate enough to put Napoleon to shame, but lack all that ostentation one finds with tons of real gold and silver.
Damanhur has a 100 New Citizens Project, where the average non-enlightened can join the club and become one of the chosen few. This journey extends for 6 months and is considered as a trail period for the conferment of citizenship. It goes on to say that you can help build more Temples of Humankind, if you want to. It doesn’t say if it cost to join, or if they just welcome everyone with open arms.
There are school and programs of one kind or another. They have three day courses and seven day courses and they even have a course on creating a successful community. Other topics on the curriculum include Astral Travel, Past Life Research, and Esoteric Physics (level 1). Meditations are offered in the Temples of Humankind. The Hall of Spheres looks like a set from Star Trek, but hey, I like Star Trek. There is also a three year long Mystery School that helps you to see the hidden world around us.
Damanhur is located in Northwestern Italy, but they are having an extensive World Wide Tour with many stops in the United States. There is a book about Damanhur:Temples of Humankind that lists for about $50. It looks like a nice book, standard coffee table fare about the Temple of Humankind.
Of course this is really my kind of silliness. Live in a tree, but still use the internet. Meditate in a Temple of Humankind and collect rare seeds on the side. Study the finer points of Yoga and using Mirrors. I like hypnosis and yoga. They seem to still be working on the page about Color Therapy though. The website is nice enough to accept PayPal, VISA and MasterCard. But you do need to register first.