After a while, you run out of things to say. You use up your passion. Or you become like Rush Limbaugh or Glen Beck and take to telling the same story over and over again. This happens to writers as well, any series of books falls into a familiar pattern. Each episode of House or Law & Order follows the same formula. And that’s a good thing, for the most part. No one wants to tune into to House and see him actually kill someone every week and throw up his cane and say-oops.
When you take portraits of kids, you have a small window in which to work. Kids get tired of the whole routine pretty quickly and the things that made them laugh five minutes ago may just get a blank look now. So you have to try a few different things, then you have to give up and show the parents whatever images you captured.
I am in simple awe of Dave Barry. I’m not making this up. He cranks out something funny-like every day. Dave also has his formulas and his tricks and there are days when he just gives up and does the best that he can. But he has shown up everyday since the days of the Dinosaurs. And I like the way he writes.
I used to read Mike Royko back in the day, he had a great style and wrote all kinds silly and serious stuff. He liked to do columns that were dialogues between him and all kinds of imaginary people-often just a friend, but sometimes the President or a Congressman or The Mayor of Chicago. These were in the form of an interview, but they were not real interviews-and some people could never tell the difference. I tried my hand at that style once or twice, and sure enough, everyone took them to be interviews with real people. What a concept.
After a while it’s like the Sunday Morning Talk Shows, I just can’t get too excited about this stuff anymore. I don’t hate Republicans or Demarcates or Ron Paul or Jesse Jackson or Rush Limbaugh-they just don’t hit my radar like they once did. I think once I realized that Americans have been bitching about Government since before there was an America-well, it’s all been said before.
I still love books and movies and might rattle on about the latest thing have seen, but I haven’t been too excited about much recently. One of the great sins of all writers is the desire to be ‘inspired’ before they write. Bloggers have the occasional bout of writer’s block, and some bloggers give up when they discover that they don’t really have that much to say about their cats or their lunch.
Now if they happen to be one in the same, that might be interesting reading.
So I am doing too much thinking and not enough writing. I am a bit tired with one thing and another. I am working on my Stock Images and Working on my Portraits and wondering about this that and the other thing.