While not exactly brite smile teeth whitening, I did find a teeth whitener for a dollar the other day. It’s one those teeth whitening trays you put some goo into and slip in like a football mouth guard. Hey, a dollar for teeth whitening I can afford.
Of course, it is not really a dollar, you have to use it once a day for a couple of weeks, so it is more like fourteen dollars for a bright smile. Of course, that won’t help where I need a bit of cosmetic dentistry. I’m afraid my teeth are a bit beyond what invisiline can do. Not too bad, but not too good either.
Still a little bright teeth whitening wouldn’t hurt too much. When I win the lotto I’ll make some cosmetic dentist happy. Also being a bit of a wimp I will need a bit of sedation dentistry. That way I can sleep and wake up with a bright smile.
Seeing as I am just a portrait photographer and not a super model, smile whitening is not really that important. But people do look at my not so bright smile all day. So maybe it is time to get some bright teeth whitening done.
I will have to report back in a couple of weeks on the effects of my dollar store teeth whitening. It seems like a good idea right now, but I may end up at that cosmetic dentist’s office sooner than I was planning. Bright white smile for a dollar, can it be true?
I have found teeth whitening gum and teeth whitening mints at the dollar store, but I didn’t use them as consistently as I should have. I need to get some more of that bright smile whitening gum, it tasted pretty good, even if it didn’t do much on the teeth whitening front. The mints were just too weird, it was like you were suppose to let them rest against your teeth for them to do their teeth whitening. Ever try to rest a mint against your teeth? No teeth whitening for me with the mints.
The wife bought one of those blue light mouth guards, but she didn’t stick with too long. Also, it cost more than a dollar.
Still hope springs eternal. So I will try the one dollar teeth whitener, and see what happens.
Whiten Your Teeth Like a Movie Star

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