The Silva Method of Mind Control

About thirty years ago I went through a phase where I read all these wonderfully odd little books meant to change your life and your worldview.  Jonathan Livingston Seagull, Dianetics, books on Alexander Technique and Rolfing, the Feldenkrais Method, Super Learning, and The Silva Method of Mind Control.  All of these things promise the impossible, but wrap it up in a nice semi-logical sounding package.  I recently re-read The Silva Method of Mind Control. Silva starts off with advising that everyone should meditate, morning and night and add the Émile Coué affirmation Everyday, in Every way, I’m getting better and…

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Altered States of Consciousness Without Drugs

Altered State of Consciousness-any of various states of awareness (as dreaming sleep, a drug-induced hallucinogenic state, or a trance) that deviate from and are usually clearly demarcated from ordinary waking consciousness. A friend of mine uses Photoshop to make Mandala, he makes one or two a day. They have a fractal type quality to them, and if you stare at them they are supposed to clear your mind and help you achieve an altered state of consciousness. The ancient Greeks had the Temple of Delphi, where it is believed there was a large brass pot of water, which those wishing…

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