
Contagion was not what I was expecting.  I thought it was going to be more 28 Days Later and less PBS Special on Diseases and how they are spread.  So instead of a tense story about the end of the world, we had a rather dry and boring story about the spread a virus and how it brings out the worst in people. Contagion was not a good movie.  None of the characters were likeable,   starting with the first person we see who is screwing around on her too good to be true husband.  This moves the story from…

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Downton Abbey comes to PBS

Downton Abbey is one of those rare shows that was able to surprise me.  Not once, not twice, but almost constantly.  The writer did a brilliant job of directing my expectations in one direction and then doubling back and surprising me. The story is a familiar one, another tale of that fantasy world that existed in the British Empire for about thirty or forty years where a rich family owned an Estate and a Staff of fifty were needed to run the House of that Estate. Downton Abbey is the story of The Lord of The Manner, his rich America…

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