There’s a lot to like about Drive: we have a hero, a villain, and a running time of about an hour and half. That’s about as long as you really want to hang out with the people you meet in Drive-any longer and one of them will turn around and kill you. The previews for Drive made it look like a film about a getaway driver, which is why some nutjob sued because there was not that much on the getaway driver front. The opening scenes follow along as our hero drives a getaway car and does a pretty good…
Tag: nutjob
Gun Nuts and Just Plain Nuts
“An armed society is a polite society.” Robert A. Heinlein It doesn’t take a trained professional to look at photos of the Phoenix Shooter-a 22-year-old charged with trying to kill a congresswoman in a shooting spree that left six dead-to realize the man is mental unstable. He has the stereotypical look of a madman, a nutcase, a loon, a man with a few screws loose, a nutjob, a nutter, a retard, a mental deficient, a crazy. But this is America, and there is no law against being crazy. Where there are laws about insanity, they usually require that the insane…