Syfy’s Defiance

The first episode of Syfy’s new makeup and CGI fest Defiance was not as good as I had hoped, but not as bad as I had feared. We start of with a family sitting is green field when they are shocked by an alien invasion.  This scene is taken almost frame for frame from the last season of Fringe.    We then fast forward 33 years to a world that has been terraformed, but not enough to kill off the original population, just enough to add silly looking CGI plants all over the place.  We are told that the invasion reached…

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Empty the Movie

Empty is a sort of post apocalyptic story, if you can call going one week without gas a post apocalyptic event.  Yes, this movie tells the tale of a world without gasoline-thus all gas tanks are Empty and anarchy reins. Empty is an ultra low budget independent film with a cast of about ten people-with two of them grabbing the bulk of the screen time.  Much like Monsters our heroes are a rich girl and a poor working class schmuck.  The rich girl is mostly reasonable and sane, her working class, tough guy boyfriend is mostly a total asshole.  We…

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The Masters of Solitude

Modern Post Apocalyptic stories has a pretty dim view of the future.  The Terminator has mankind crushed by intelligent machines.  The Road has all life coming to an end.  The Matrix has man surviving as nothing more than fuel cells for more evil machines.  Waterworld is a wet world filled with evil people.  The Postman and Mad Max are a dry worlds filled with evil people.  My favorite post apocalyptic books are by Octavia Butler and deal with a world where all kinds of bad things happen, but there is a bit of light at the end of the tunnel.…

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