Tron Legacy was a visually stunning bit of work. The CGI world was rendered perfectly and I liked the way a de-ressed program fell into tiny cubes and sounded like shattered glass. We saw Tron Legacy in 3D, but it was clearly not made with 3D in mind. It opened with a slug screen telling us that parts of the film were in 2D, but we should keep our glasses on anyway. The most impressive 3D effects were in the Coming Attractions trailers. I still like 3D, I just wish people would stop adding it to a film as an…
Tag: kevin flynn
Tron Legacy
I’m one of those rare people that actually liked Disney’s Tron. It was an old fashioned science fiction story with an old fashioned moral of honesty is the best policy and doing bad will catch up with you in the end. I also loved that whole CGI world combined with black and white photography and pen strips of neon color. I was really excited a couple of ComiCons again when they showed that teaser trailer and then it was leaked and it looked really good. I was a bit less excited when the exact same trailer was released last year. …