Abraham Lincoln:Vampire Hunter

Abraham Lincoln is an American icon who has fallen victim to the recent obsession with taking classic books and dropping zombies, werewolves, vampires, and other such silliness into them.  And while I like titles like Mr. Darcy, Vampyre and Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters, I haven’t actually read many books in this sub-genre.  So I walked into Abraham Lincoln:Vampire Hunter with very low expectations and a maybe a bit of dread. Turns out that this is a standard issue Hollywood film, lots of special effects, good sets and costumes, a number of familiar faces, and a fairly straightforward story.  We…

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This,That, and The Other Thing

There was an episode of Gilligan’s Island where Gilligan became a dictator following the advice of an evil man.  He thought he was doing good work, as he loved his people and promised them-This, That, and The Other Thing.  His people, of course, hated him. Hitler is the poster child for Dictators, a nasty fellow surrounded by a group of people who would do anything he said-and anyone who didn’t would be killed.  This is why most dictators don’t care if the people love them or hate them-the people just come with the scenery, as some pop star said.  You…

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