Eliminate the impossible and, no matter how improbable, whatever is left must be the answer.
-Sherlock Holmes
In my half hearted effort to keep my mind working as it should I have taken to doing Sudoku puzzles. I know there was some study recently that said Crossword Puzzles don’t actually help the mind, but who believes that? Besides, Sudoku works a slightly different part of the brain, what with all those numbers. Solving Sudoku puzzles seems easy enough, until you get to the end and find that you put a number in the wrong place and it all went wrong after that.
The idea of a Sudoku game , for those not in the know, is to get all nine numbers, one through nine, into each square, each row, and each column of the game board. How to play Sudoku-use logic to eliminate numbers that have already been used elsewhere in the Sudoku square, row, or collunm. The easier game boards have a lot of numbers in place and often leave only one possible number for many of the open Sudoku spaces. The more difficult Sudoku puzzles leave more numbers out and don’t leave as many one option spots on the game board. Even when I get near the end of a Sudoku puzzle, I still have to think a bit about those last few open spots.
But I have just begun to do Sudokus. Crossword puzzles are fun for a number of reason having to do with puns and obscure words and more creative thinking of one sort or another. Sudoku is all about the number placement. There’s no arcane bit of trivia that help you to know if it should be a 7 or a 3 in the open Sudoku slot. These puzzles are all about logic. But like crossword puzzles, Sudokus are fun when you solve them correctly and infuriating when you solve them incorrectly.
I have a friend who does a lot of Search For Word puzzles, which have never been that much a challenge but can be fun to do if you haven’t done one in a while. I like something that you have to think a bit about. But I am going to be doing the Easy Sudokus for a while longer.
I have one of those job where we are either in a mad rush or work, or sitting around doing nothing. I tend to read a lot of books this. I also do a few Sudoku games. They have a lot of Sudoku books at Dollar stores now, so why not buy one or two? I also have a go at the USA Today Sudoku once in a while, though I still prefer the USA Today Crossword. The trouble with printed Sudoku is that you can have to scratch out the wrong numbers. This can be a bit of a bother if you make too many mistakes as you play Sudoku.
I like a couple Sudoku websites, Daily Suduko and Sudoku Web both ofter free sudoku games online as well as printable Sudoku. I still like the easy Sudoku puzzles.

I like this one myself.
I do like the whole idea of the colored tiles.