Star Wars retold my someone who hasn’t seen it. I totally thought it was Hans Solo, isn’t it like Hans Solo? Star Wars retold-it makes sense to me. I think Princess Lea looks great in the Elvis suit btw. I was one of those people that waited a year before I went and saw Star Wars and totally didn’t get it. The Empire Strikes Back, that was a great movie, but Star Wars? Not so much. So it is fun that Star Wars Retold kind skips around the trilogy and hits a number of high points. That bit about Chewy being a deformed Ewok is pretty much right on.
I kind of remember Star Wars mostly happening that way. There were a lot of muppets running around. I’m not so sure about the kiss at the end. I love the animation for Star Wars Retold with the x’s over the eyes and George Lucas in the Darth Vadar suit. I also love the cameos by the robot from Lost in Space and Cylon. Star Wars retold by someone who has never seen Star Wars-the mind boggles.