Catholic Priests have been raping children for as long as there have been Catholic Priests. The problem is that bit of bullshit where young men are supposed to give up sex for life. It seems that a lot of Priests hold the view that only sex with an adult woman is bad, homosexual sex and sex with children is peachy keen.
Enter the reporters working for the Boston Globe in the late 1990. They find this odd little story about a Priest who has been moved around from Parish to Parish-after he has been accused of molesting children. They do a little digging and find out he’s been moving around for a very long time. Then they find out that there’s more than one Priest raping little boys and little girls. A lot more.
Spotlight won the Oscar for Best Picture, and it was a good choice. The cast is brilliant, the sets are perfect, the music was unobtrusive. The pacing was a tad on the slow side. This is a story that took years for the writers to gather all the info they needed. Sometimes it felt like it was taking years. There was a lot of chasing down leads and badgering witnesses, and digging through dusty file cabinets.
One of the notes that is struck over and over again is that this went on for years and everyone seemed to know about it. This makes the overly careful reporting a target near the end of the film, when one of the reporters sees recent victims that might have been saved if they had gone to press a year or two earlier than they did.
There is no doubt that the reporters working for the Globe are heroes one and all, even if they did seem to be a little slow on the uptake when it came to reporting the story of Priests abusing children. Before the credits roll, there’s a three page long list of all the cities where Priests have been raping children.