The Special K commercial is supposed to be cute and funny, it has a couple of girls skipping breakfast that have that embarrassing rumble in their tummies that they wouldn’t have if they just ate some breakfast. Ok, fine as far as it that message goes. It’s just that the two women in the ad appear anorexic in their thinness so the very idea that these 80 pounders need to loose weight is obscene. Matt at Kingdom Living wrote Kellogg’s an email and complained about the skinny models, with predictable results, i.e., none at all. If you’d like to write them an email as well, here’s the address- [email protected].
A short trip to the Special K website finds only a couple of pictures with models, but they are also on the thin-and-do-they-really-need-to-loose-weight side. Like all products these day, Special K is no longer a breakfast cereal it is a Brand. Cold cereal is something you eat instead of a real breakfast, a real breakfast being more like a meal and less like a snack. But not anymore. The good people at Kellogg’s want you to drink water, eat snack bars, meal bars, snack bites and waffles-all branded Special K. As they like to say, not just for breakfast anymore.
I think everyone should make as much money as they can in as many ways as they can and if Kellogg’s wants to pretend its a health food, that’s ok with me. They just really need to get someone healthy into their ads while their at it.