Smorty is one of the better ways to get paid to blog. Like an Adsense blog, Smorty is a form of blog advertising . I have tried to blog for money before, but was never able to get the words or links just right. I needed a little help from Smorty getting the links placed correctly before I could make money blogging. Seems I needed to put in the links while under the Edit Html tab and not the Compose tab-blogging can be tricky.
Of course, having a blog earn money is not always what a blogger wants. But if you do want to get paid to blog, Smorty is quick and easy. You actually make money blogging with Smorty-they put money in your Paypal account not long after the post is accepted. Other blog for money places like to hang on to the money until you have twenty-five dollars. Smorty pays you right away, even if it is only six or twelve dollars.
Get paid for blogging, just don’t expect to retire to the South of France making money blogging. Blog and make money, just not a whole lot of money. How to make money blogging, have a number of blogs and write paid posts for all of them. I have never tried this, I have enough trouble keeping one blog going. So my online advertising blog is also my regular rant and rave blog. Still, it is nice to be paid to blog and make a few dollars a day. My small business money from Smorty should be about two thousand dollars a year, which is not all that bad for writing a post a day. If I could get around to blogging for money everyday.
I could start a blog with nothing in mind but blog advertising, but I find that I am not that big a fan of that kind of blogging. Get paid to blog, with Smorty it is pretty painless. Smorty pays to advertise on blogs, you just have to be ready when they send you a notice of a new opportunity-they tend to go fast. So yes, you can blog for money, and if you blog for money enough, it will add up.