Slusho is an odd little page that reminds me of the scene in Firefly where the crazy girl goes crazy after seeing an odd ad on TV. The Slusho ad says you can’t drink just six and has one filled cup and eight empty cups on one side and three filled cups and five empty ones on the other. It has a vaguely anime feel to it and an upbeat little tune that likely has a certain number of notes that mean something. Having been a fan of Paul is Dead with the beatles, it’s easy to see all kinds of things, even where there likely are none. There is a link to send an email so you can tell Satoshi if you are happy, so I did.
Cloverleaf, the trailer without a title from J J Abrams that appears to be a mixture of Blair Witch Project and War of the Worlds, has a character wearing a Slusho t-shirt.
There is also the page that says Ethan Haas Was Right, which seems to feature a Stargate encoding that doesn’t quite finish connection. Ethan was one of the Others on Lost who kidnapped the pregnant woman before she had her super baby. But it is likely a different Ethan.
Ok, I’m sure there are a few other little dodads out there I have not run across yet and I am not likely to continue searching just at the moment. But it is kind of fun. And that is what movies are supposed to be. If 01-18-08 is the release date of the movie, then we are in for several months of Slushos and Cloverleafs and who knows what alls.
Remember Snakes on a Plane? A movie that is the poster child of viral internet campaigns? Did you actually go see it? Did it live up to the hype? If we’ve learned nothing else form LOST it’s that J J Abrams is a genius at setting things up, but so far, he’s had a hard time knocking them down. I’ll go and see this film when it comes out, but I am already prepared to be disappointed.